Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hats off to H

I am sitting upstairs at Tasha's gymnastics class enjoying the fact that not only does the place has wifi access, but our computer picks it up! The girl next to me must me about Kyra's age. She is struggling with her math homework. Her father is hovering over her, trying to understand what she is doing. She is very frustrated, but not as frustrated as the dad. She tries to ask him a question but he doesn't help. He explains to her that the only way to learn it is to work it out. His theory makes a little sense. But at this point he is unwilling to explain the method she needs to understand. He mumbles a question to her, barely audible, mumbled enough that I can not understand him. When she meekly answers, "I don't know", he yells loud enough that we can now hear and understand him, "Well, what in the hell am I paying your school $5000 for. They aren't teaching you a thing". At this point, he leaves the room and goes downstairs. She hangs her head, packs her books up, and goes to find him. I'm not sure what is worse: The fact that he acts that way or that he did it in front of a group of people. Maybe that was his point. So this post is for Helena, who works extra hard with her students and has extra patience when it comes to Kyra! Thank you babe! You are amazing!


  1. You're welcome. How about my working my butt off to get our kid into a private school without paying the $5000 price tag?! Now that you FINALLY appreciate and value the fine school she is at.

    Alright, I don't really work my butt off...I just mostly drive a lot. Sacrifice the environment for a fabulous education!

  2. Wow, Bill, that story is incredibly sad. That dad just ruined all of that $5000 with one incredibly thoughtless comment. Success in math is about patience, taking a risk, willingness to make mistakes until you figure out how to get it right. To put all of that pressure on her to figure it out right then and there is just sad.
