Monday, July 14, 2008

Shift Happens

1 comment:

  1. Interesting bit of pseudo information. I don't think any of us can predict what will happen with technology in the future. Those facts are based on what we know now and the video even points out that what we know now is not going to hold up in the future.

    What I did find fascinating was the top 25% of the smartest Chinese kids exceeds the total number of kids that we have in the US. One commentor pointed out that this fact means that the bottom 25% (meaning the dumbest) would also exceed our population.

    So China and India have huge populations. We don't. We send a lot of work to those countires because they are willing to do the job for a lot less. Many of the jobs are not the "smart" jobs and the people are being forced to work in conditions that we would not tolerate in the US, but they are jobs that could be had in the US if our companies would pay the workers here. US citizens want to spend as little money as possible on their purchases, so the manufacturers end up looking for cheap labor and cheap products. This all comes from overseas. Are we exploiting them or are they exploiting us? Could these countries support their own population without work from other countires? What would/does their welfare system look like? Are Americans willing to pay more for their "made in the USA" merchandise?

    None of these questions are easy to answer and I would imagine were not the intent of your little video :) Love you babe!
