Friday, August 15, 2008

Same old Mac

John McEnroe is back to his old ways. He is back playing tennis competitively on the Outback Champions Series, an international circuit for stars over 30. After many years of commentating, building goodwill for the game of tennis, he has picked up his racket and is playing in some tournaments. I was excited when I saw his name. I was not a big fan of his when he played on the pro tour, but his game was incredible to see. Over the years, he has become an author, raised a family, became a respected voice for the game of tennis, and even made commercials mocking himself and his temperament. I would have thought the lack of respect for the game and other players was in the past. I was wrong. Mac was tossed from his opening-round match at the Hall of Fame Champions Cup on Thursday. When I first read this story, I thought it was a joke. I was hoping that it was a set up playing on the old history we all know too well. Unfortunately, this was no hoax. Mac was disqualified from his match for cursing, arguing with the chair umpire and making an obscene gesture at fans. You have to feel bad for anybody that had to be apart of this. He started by arguing a line call. No big deal. Lots of players question calls. After he drew a code violation for cursing, he continued abusing the umpire and got 2 abuse of the official penalties.Just like the old days, Mac kept it up. When the fans start to complain, you know he has gone too far. Fans started yelling at McEnroe, telling him to resume play. He responded with an obscene gesture and was thrown out. Some things never change. He is an embarrassment to the game and to himself. Tennis should not let him play in any tournament again. I really liked to hear him commentate matches, but I will have a hard time listening to him now. Deep down, he is a jerk. Hats off to his opponent, MaliVai Washington. The only quote he gave after the match was "I guess he has one of those explosive personalities, you could say." During the match, Washington could take no more. "There are a lot of things I can deal with -- disputed line calls, stoppage in play. I have an issue when my opponent starts berating people, fans and umpires. I said something to the official." It's a shame that he had to. It is sad to say, but John McEnroe has hurt tennis again, hopefully for the last time. If we were only that lucky...

1 comment:

  1. He needs therapy. I'm sure there is a name for his condition and I'm sure that his therapist recommends that he not play the game of tennis because it will aggravate his condition.
