Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I got a Riddle...

Yes, that is a quote from Tin Cup. No, this is not the same riddle. Here it is...

What do these words have in common?

1. Banana

2. Dresser

3. Grammar

4. Potato

5. Revive

6. Uneven

7. Assess

Good Luck!


  1. They all have double, double letters (or more):
    1. 2n's and 3a's
    2. 2r's, 2e's, 2s's
    3. 2r's, 2a's, 2m's
    4. 2o's, 2t's
    5. 2e's, 2v's
    6. 2n's, 2e's
    7. 2s's, 2s's
    Please! A word game with me?!

  2. You confidence is your downfall. That is true, but NOT the answer! Try again...

  3. Fine then. IF you remove the first letter from each of the words then the remaining letters form a palindrome. Like "eve" spelled backwards reads the same, "eve". This is a stupid answer because you shouldn't have to remove a letter from the word to make it fit the answer.

    Seriously, word games?!

  4. WHATever! I hit a single and then a double. Just because you're looking for a homerun doesn't mean I'm striking out. I don't always reach for the fence you know!

  5. Fine. IF you take the first letter of the word, put it on the end THEN reverse the spelling of the word you will get the same word.

    Step 1 (the word) Banana
    Step 2 (move the 1st letter) ananab
    Step 3 (spell backwards) banana

    It's the same thing that I just said, but there is not a name for it that I know of.

    Silly boy, words are for teachers!

  6. Hmm. Does anyone notice that it has been 3 hours since Bill has responded. I must have gotten the answer correct. Why is it that men can just not admit when we're right?!

    It's out of the park folks...the crowd goes wild! She's rounding first, second, now third... and there she goes, it's a HOMERUN!

    Thank you. Thank you very much.

  7. Believe it or not, my lack of response was not designed to avoid the fact that you were right. I actually had to get to work. I had spent way too much time already on this. I hate it when work gets in the way of blogging! I don't have a problem admitting you are right, although three tries is nothing to brag about. In fact, I have been admitting you are right for over 15 years! "You're right, you're right, I know you're right."

  8. How on earth did I miss this post and all of the hilarious commentary? Too funny! I would never have gotten this one. It makes me think too hard but I did enjoy the banter between you two. By the way, Bill, you are slacking with a capital S! I am waiting for your post on the Cardinal's football game. I still believe you lost your voice by yelling at the t.v. during that game and that it wasn't the flu backing up on you. You can't fool me.
