Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't look now Joe !

The Obama administration is looking at whether Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigration sweeps violate federal civil rights laws.

The U.S. Justice Department notified Arpaio of the investigation in a letter saying his enforcement methods may unfairly target Hispanics and Spanish-speaking people.

Arpaio previously said he welcomed an investigation by new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. The sheriff says he enforces the law fairly.


  1. And how do you feel about this Bill? Do you think Sheriff Joe is right?

  2. I guess it comes down to weather or not he is doing it legally. If his sweeps are legal, then I think he is right. We have problems with our border. Arpaio, in his own way, is tring to make the situation better. His motivation may be wrong (to get headlines). The problem I have is not that he is doing sweeps, or that he is targeting areas and businesses that are known to harbor illegals, but that it is like putting a bandaid on a fleshwound. His sweeps are not doing anything to solve the real issue, which is how to prevent the illegals from entering in the first place. So, until they prove that he is doing something wrong, Go Joe !

  3. "Go Joe"?! MY husband did not just say that. Yeah, go... go away! I don't know about immigrations sweeps, but what about all the other crap he's done?! I say whatever anyone can do to get him out of office will be welcomed by me.

  4. Crystal, I can't believe you just started this debate! You are in so much trouble woman, and it's not just a flesh wound.

  5. Like him or not, he will be Sherrif until he chooses. Too many older people love him and will always vote him in.

  6. wo, wo, wo people. I was just asking about Bill's opinion. I'm your friend, not a marriage counselor so I refuse to be dragged into this. Remember, I am not the one who likes to debate, that is your job H. My job is to occassionally complain about my baby not sleeping, cook you a meal once a week and give gardening tips. Maybe I throw in a long movie now and again, but other than that, I'm just here to ask questions about your posts.

  7. Uh, huh Crystal. You're an instigator, just like your husband! But I won't blame you because you do feed me well and my garden is beautiful. I loved the "wo,wo,wo" line, it had me laughing pretty hard.

  8. If you like that you would love my stand up routine that I do on weekends in my underwear. Just kidding. I was trying to amuse you but it sounded too forced. Now I just feel like a dufus so I'll shut up!
