Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Tasha!

Today is Tasha's 5th birthday. It's hard to believe she is ready to start school. It was just yesterday that Helena and I were rushing to get to the hospital in time for her arrival. We were thankful that she was born today instead of April 1st. We were afraid that no one would believe us if she was born on April fools day. We were only at the hospital 45 minutes when Tasha decided to make her entrance. When we called Momo to bring Kyra down to meet her sister, Momo thought we were kidding because we had just left the house. This morning, Tasha woke up at 6:30am. I'm sure it had something to do with the Harry Potter tradition we have started that the kids wake up in the morning of their birthday with their presents at the foot of their bed. Tasha got to take treats in for her class in honor of her birthday. All of her classmates will get to sing Happy Birthday to her. Today, after preschool, Helena is taking her to the zoo with some friends. She will have a lot of fun there. Tonight, when I get home, I will be sure to sing Happy Birthday to her as many times as I can. 20? 30 times? Maybe! It will drive her nuts but it is another tradition we started.

This is a picture of her actually eating at Wendy's. This has nothing to do with her birthday, but this is proof that she was eating a hamburger.

This is Tasha on our first date earlier this year. Kyra and Helena had something to do that night, so Tasha ans I went on a date. We rode the Carousal at Arizona Mills, had dinner, got ice cream along the way, and walked around the mall. We only stopped at the stored she wanted. We saw the alligator by the Rain Forest, but it was not working. When she was little, the alligator would scare her. Not today! There was an area of the mall that had those really lame riding toys. I tried to talk her out of riding them, but since it was a date, I let her ride. After she had ridden on one, she agreed that they were not as fun as the Carousal. Her favorite stores were the toy store, where I believe she got a Dora the Explorer fishing pole (of all the things!), and the pet store. It was a fun time!

This is Tasha holding up some of her birthday presents this morning. Sorry for the blurry photos, but camera phones can only do so much. She was so excited and so sweet about it we didn't even mind that it was 6:30 in the morning!

This is Tasha with her new baseball mitt. I can't believe she is 5 and didn't have one yet. Mom picked it out (pink and black) and it came with a baseball (pink and white). Its pretty cute. Now we all will be able to play catch. This is good because Kyra is getting ready to start playing softball and mom and dad are already playing on a team. Now Tasha can be a part of it as well! Once she practices, she can play catch with her friend Justin, who was bummed that she couldn't catch or throw. Look out Justin!



  1. So touching, Bill! What a attentive Dad you are. :-)

  2. Happy Birthday Tasha! What a beautiful post about an awesome little girl written by her really cool dad.

    Enjoy the singing and if you are hoarse tomorrow, we know why.

  3. Great post Bill. I like all of your traditions. You were very patient to let her pick the stores and go on those rides. It sounds like she had a great birthday.

  4. Happy Birthday Tasha. You guys are a great family, and Tasha is destined to be a pretty special athlete someday...

  5. Sorry Justin was disappointed. He tells me all of the time that I am no good at sports. Don't take it personal...
