Sunday, March 15, 2009

Things I didn't like about the Suns game...

I got a fairly rare treat tonight. I got to watch the Suns on TV. In order for this to happen, they have to be on, local TV, the family must be asleep, and nothing better can be on (the Suns are having a tough year). I joined this game in the third quarter. The Suns had scored 120 points! In only 3 quarters! They have always been able to score, tonight they were on fire. OK, I liked that part. But they had given up 100, another big number. Not so good. Anyway, the things I didn't like:

Jason Richardson and his showboat dunks. Against the Cleveland Cavaliers, arguably the best team in the NBA, with the best player in the NBA, Richardson, with his team losing late in the game, gets a break away steal. The basket, if made, ties the game. So, with all that in mind, does he lay in in for the bucket? No. Does he go up and dunk it simply? No. He decides to do a 360 degree spin before he dunks, so he can make the ESPN highlights. What happens is Lebron James catches him before he can dunk it, and blocks it. The Cavs then go down, score on their possession, gets fouled, and makes the free throw. A 5 point swing. Oh, the Suns go on to never regain momentum, and lose. Tonight, with his team up by 20 points, he gets a pass from Steve Nash, all by himself, and rather than just lay it in, like a decent player whose team is up big, he gets the ball, does a double clutch reverse dunk. Really? Do you really have to show off and make the other team look that much worse? Bad Form from a talented, but classless player. It just makes the game look bad.

Stephen Jackson. He plays for the Suns opponent tonight, the Golden State Warriors. When they signed him to a contract, his reputation was that he was volatile. In the third quarter, he was assessed with his second technical foul of the game for arguing a call. That got him kicked out of the game. So, now, one of your better players can no longer play in the game. There goes any chance for a comeback. But, this technical foul was his 16th of the season. Now he also gets suspended the next game as well. Not to mention the fines he will have to pay. But that really isn't a deterrent with the money they all make. Of course he doesn't just leave, he continues to yell and scream. Just makes him look classless. Not to mention the other technical fouls he has received. This is another reason not to watch.

Don Nelson. He is the coach of the Warriors. About 2 minutes after his player got ejected, he does the same thing. What a joke! He looked stupid yelling at the refs. With his experience, he should know better. Was he trying to motivate his players? Well, if he was, and that hardly ever works, it didn't work tonight. The Suns went on a 26-4 scoring run, eliminated any chance for the Warriors. Thanks for the support coach!

These guys are in the limelight, like it or not. They really need to act like the professionals they are supposed to be. This is why kids who play ball today, act so poorly. The are just emulating their idols. It's pretty sad, because this game is repeated in most games. Oh, by the way, Suns won. 154-130. Too bad it was so sad to watch!


  1. Think I DID like about the Suns game:

    1. It was on while I was in bed and I didn't have to listen to it or watch it.

  2. Why do I always type "thinK" for "thinG" ?! You knew what I meant.

  3. Well said Bill, J Rich has proven that he a bone head on and off the court. Here's a guy with limitless talent yet he is just an average NBA player. Reason, because he just doesn't have it upstairs. As for Jackson and Nelson, both those guys are bozos in my opinion. Jackson is having his best year as a pro and has come along way in improving his attitude and reputaion since the Detroit/Indiana fight with the fans, but the fact that he has gotton 16 techs this year shows that he still has a lot of growing up to do. Often times players just give up and although I didn't see the game, I'm sure that is what Jackson was thinking when he picked up his 2nd Tech. He just didn't want to be out there anymore. Same thing for Nelson. Coach's sometimes do get techs intentially to motivate their team, but it only works if you are in a "winnable" game, not down by 20+.
