Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tonight's Suns Game

For some reason, we are receiving bonus channels on cable. I'm not complaining, this just means we are receiving FSN. This means I get to see the Suns play tonight! So here are some random thoughts about the game.

Things I liked:

The crowd

They were really the 6th player!

Louis Amundson

This guy might be the real deal. In the third quarter, he was everywhere!

Matt Barnes

He had a break away basket and he wisely laid it up instead of trying to dunk it.

Goran Dragic

The back up point guard showed signs of why he was a first round draft pick. He handles the ball well and his outside shot ca be deadly. From here, he will only get better.

Grant Hill

This guy is the best player the Suns have right now. He is the oldest guy on the team but out hustles everybody. He is still very quick. It is fun to watch him play. 26 points tonight and, oh yea, he got the winning rebound.

Big Daddy, Shaquille O'neil

He is still one of the best big men in the game. Get the ball to him down low, and he scores. If he gets fouled, he makes more than he misses. In the last two games, 10 for 13. I saw him finish a fast break tonight. He FINISHED it !!

My wife, Helena

It's fun to listen to her read to herself. Yes, to herself. Not out loud. The cute little laughs and giggles she gives off when she is enjoying her twitter (twitter, twilight, whatever!) series books. Even when she stops me from watching the game so she can read to me a particularly humorous part.
The Suns Dancers
Enough said.

Things I didn't like:

Jason Richardson

He got the ball down low in the fourth quarter and instead of just laying in in or dunking it, he has to do a fancy reverse double pump dunk. Why?

Matt Barnes

He had an easy basket in the critical fourth quarter and chose to power dunk it. Guess what? He missed. The Jazz got the rebound, went down and scored. That is a 4 point turn around.

Matt Barnes

He has too many tattoos. They are hard to look at. Especially the one on his neck. I don't know why it bothers me. But it does. I need to let it go.

The Refs

With 8 minutes to go in the game, the team fouls are lopsided. Now, we all know that a foul could be called on every play. Team fouls at this point: Suns have 5; Jazz have...wait for it...0! And we are the home team

The Big Cactus, Shaquille O'neil

Why does he have to stare at his left hand after every time he dunks the ball. Yes, your good, you know it, we know it. Stop showboating. It's bad for the game.

The Announcers

Yes they are the Suns announcers. But they still should sound intelligent. Sometimes they say pretty stupid stuff. I get that the Suns have to play hard because they need to win to make the playoffs. But honestly, they play hard every night. The announcers kept saying it felt like playoff basketball. It's not. Not even close.

Jerry Sloan, Jazz coach

This guy makes $5.5 million a year and can't buy a decent tie. Not only is it tied weird (the knot was too loose and it was too low), it is way too ugly to wear.

My wife, Helena

She doesn't let me talk to her when she is reading. Plus, she doesn't let me talk when I watch the Suns ( yea I know, most of what I say is non-repeatable).

Last but not least...

The Dallas Mavericks

We need them to lose and they beat the Warriors. Worse luck next time!

By the way, Suns 118, Jazz 114. Go Suns !!!


  1. You're so witty and yeah, you better list me before the Suns dancers. What didn't you like about them?! Huh, huh?!

  2. You are on point about Sloan and his wardrobe, or lack there of. There are certain coach's around the league that dress like bozos on a regular basis. Jerry's been wearing ugly suits with even uglier ties for over 2 decades. Dragic is definately looking better of late. This summer will be very important for his future. Next year we will either see the same nervous kid, or a young man that is ready to start contributing on a regular basis. Only time will tell, but he does seem to have the tools to suceed at this level. I find it very interesting that your blog is about "basketball" and yet you have a picture of a bunch of girls wearing next to nothing at the top of the blog. I'll let your wife handle that one. Good points about G. Hill and the Suns announcers. Grant is savy vet, a true professional and with Shaq have been the team's most consistant players this year. As for the announcers, they are a joke. I know that nearly all local broadcasters are huge homers but it is really getting out of control. They are insulting the viewers intelligence with some of their comments.

  3. Interesting commentary. Jared and I will have to watch a game with you some time so we can get the full "Bill the Great" effect while sports are being played. Plus we love the Suns too. It's one of my few fond memories I have of good time with my dad.

  4. Oh Crystal, you want the full sports effect?! You are out of your mind.
