Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Don't Understand! Why?

You would think that a quick trip to the hardware store for some light bulbs would be relaxing. I should have turned off the radio. I thought it would be OK, the Suns were playing. But it was halftime and they broke for a news update. I should have turned it, but I wasn't quick enough. The news always makes me wonder what has happened to society. They lead with a story about parents suing a school because their son got hurt at school. At band practice, no, after band practice. It seems that the band members were hanging out at the school after their practice had ended and decided to play a joke on one of the members. They wrapped him up in bubble wrap tight enough that he could not move his arms, but he could still walk. Kinda funny. But somehow, when the "victim" was walking around, he managed to get hurt. The report didn't elaborate how, but somehow he suffered a concussion. The band members were not trying to cause harm, just were playing a joke. I am sure, at the time, it was funny. There was no intent to harm, and I'm sure if this was a form of hazing or if this kid was being picked on, they would report it. Anyway, the parents are suing. Not the other kids in the band, but the school. Yes, the school. Apparently, the parents are not upset of the actual act or the harm that occur ed, but at the school. Because there was not a school representative present at the time of the occurrence. Are you kidding? Of course not! It was after school, after band practice, after all the kids were dismissed. Why would there be any need for a member of the school to be there. The kids should not have been there. Including the victim. If the parents want to blame someone, blame the kid. Or themselves for not teaching the kid right from wrong. Or themselves for not picking the kid up when practice was over! NOT THE SCHOOL !!! This is why we, as a society, have been devalued. No one is responsible and is always looking for someone else to blame. WHY, WHY, WHY!!! This case needs to be thrown out and the parents should have to pay for any cost that has incurred to anyone! Sue the school? SHUT UP!


  1. Right on Bill! I especially love your closing line of SHUT UP! I don't know that I've ever heard you curse before. Good for you (if you can call Shut Up cursing). hee hee! Great post. I love hearing your point of view on things.

  2. I think it is hard, as parents, to recognize when our children are growing up that they still don't have a full understanding of who is in charge of them at what time. School and church are supposed to be safe environments and I think the youth depend on the authorities (teachers and leaders)to protect them, even after hours. Like you said, the parents should have picked that kid up because the activity was over. As a leader/teacher, it is hard to tell the youth to go home, especially if home isn't a desirable place, but it is also impossible to play the role of protector when an activity is over and the kids want to let lose.

    That was probably more than you wanted on that subject but too bad. I do agree, the parents are completely out of line and upset with the school for not doing their job of protecting their child. When did we decide that it was other's responsibility to raise our children?!

  3. That is what insurance is for. Accidents happen.

    People just trying to make a buck. Like the schools have any. LOL

    Parents should be more responsible for where their kids are. If you are going to sue someone, sue the kids who wrapped him up.

  4. This is retarded. Kids are wimps today and their parents are retarded. When I was in band, the drumline used to jump the new boys in. Since I was girl, my drumline section leader told me he was going to rape me in. I would call this sexual harassment and jumping in a boy, battery. But, did anybody care? No. In fact, I laughed and punched him in the stomache. What's up with these teenagers today? Lame.
