Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One of Life's Little Surprises...

Do you ever stop and think what you did before your cellphone? Do you take it for granted? One of the features of my phone that my kids love and love to play with is the camera. Now, I admit, that this feature is convenient. I have taken my share of pics of the kids in situations that I wish I had our regular digital camera. Every now and then, I will take the time to go through all the pics that have been stored. This is the fun part. Some times you find pictures that you forgot about. But usually, I find random pics that my children have taken. I was browsing yesterday, and some of them were pretty good...

Here is Tasha. Cute picture of her being sweet!
If I remember correct, this picture was taken by Tasha. We were driving down the street and the sun was in her eyes. She wanted to show me what she saw.

This was one of those moments you want to record, but forgot the camera. Phone to the rescue! This is a shot of Kyra pitching for the first time. Not that it matters, but she was the winning picture that night! Way to go Kyra!

Same game, This time Kyra is batting. She ended up walking and scoring a run. I will have to remind her to keep the bat up!

This picture was taken for later. The next time we have trouble believing they love each other, we can look at this and have proof that love exists between them!

I took this picture the night I visited my Dad in the hospital. He was having a total knee replacement. I do not know if this is the version of knee he got, but this was on display in the lobby of the hospital wing he was in. Basically, they cut open your leg, cut out the old knee, install the new knee, and sew you up. The staples they used to close the incision on his leg were cool! He was up and walking the next day.

Here is Justin getting into our car. This picture must have been taken by Kyra. I just do not remember her doing it. Every Friday, Kyra and I car pool with Justin and pick him up for school. He was about to get into the booster seat and buckle in. I must say, Justin cracks me up and I have enjoyed talking to him in the mornings!

This is another picture from Kyra. How do I know? She is the only one who would take a picture of Harlee. Sitting. Minding her own business. If you look at Harlee's expression (yes, dogs have expressions), she is saying: "Really Kyra? Another picture? Don't you have enough? "

The Arizona Cardinals play their home games in the University of Phoenix Stadium. When they won the NFC championship trophy, it was displayed in the lobby of one of the building I work by. I was hoping to get a picture of the Superbowl trophy, but that is another story...

Hi Brandon! Smile!

Yes its what you think. This proves that guys are pigs. This is a picture of the inside of one of the bathroom stalls in the men's room at my work. I thought we were all grown men. The markings in the bright part of the picture are the results of someone picking their nose and wiping the boogers on the door. Yes, this is disgusting!

Most of the pictures I find are just like this one. Blurry, and of one of the children's fingers. I do believe this finger belongs to Tasha.


  1. your family looks like a lot of fun Bill. I'm jealous. Your youngest is adorable and the older one looks like she's ready for a college scholarship. Gotta say, I really liked your other blog about men never being depressed. Did you come up with all those one liners? If so, well done.

  2. Wow, it's like a glimpse into your life just by seeing the random pics from your phone. Thanks for sharing it. It's cool to get an inside look from your family's perspective (and your phone's).
