Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me !

Another year has come and gone, and yes it went by very quickly. Every year, you contemplate what you should do to celebrate. Just another day, I tell myself. Not a big deal. No big plans, just let the day unfold. After it was all over, my day was pretty good. Here is a recap:

Wake up later than usual. I slept in 30 minutes longer. Yes, by design.

Go to work. Work hard. Have a good day by measurable standards. Get a card from your old team members. Have your current team buy you a cake to share, give you a balloon that lets everyone who passes by know it's your birthday, sing Happy Birthday loudly, and announce to the whole building: "Hey Everyone, It's Bill's Birthday!".

Get a call from your father wishing you a Happy Birthday.

Get a text from your son wishing you a Happy Birthday.

Leave work early.

Attend the Temple with your wife (who is truly the best person in the whole world) and your best friends. It had been way to long since I had attended. With the help of Jared (sounds like a title to a section of Scriptures), manage to complete the session without fear of not being able to complete a session. Spend time in the Celestial room (Heaven her on Earth).

Go home and spend time with your kids. They were sweet and got along.

Have a simple dinner (at my request) prepared for you. Have the best dessert ever that was prepared for you, by your daughter, while you were attending the Temple. No Bake Cherry Cheese Cake. I dare you to try to come up with anything better!

When you finish eating, play the birthday card and leave clean up for everyone else.

Relax in the living room while your kids prepare another simple gift for you.

Receive gift from your two excited kids. A bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. The best candy in the world!

Wind down the night with your wife as the kids get ready for bed. This actually went pretty well.

Get a call from your Mother in Law, wishing you a happy birthday and setting up a time to go out to dinner to celebrate your birthday. ( Mother in Law doesn't do her justice. She is my Mom).

Read two stories (not one, because your daughter really is cute when she asks for two. Me: Pick out one story. Tasha: How about two? Me: OK.) to your youngest daughter to help her wind down.

Snack on the sweetest strawberries you have ever tasted. Eat too many because you take advantage of the fact your wife can't get mad for eating too many because it's your birthday.

Watch an episode of one of your favorite shows: Boston Legal. William Shatner is King!

Go to bed with the intention of going to sleep. Staying up to talk to my wife about the day's events. The rest is censored!

Drift off to sleep with a smile on my face, thinking that everyday should be a birthday!

Thank you to all who played a part in my day. It was a great day!


  1. Can today be MY birthday? (since the kitchen didn't actually get cleaned up when you played your birthday card?)

  2. Happy Birthday!!!! Sounds like a good day, and you are one easy man to please...Shaun would be happy with a bag of PB cups too!

  3. Bill, loved the last comment "wishing every day was your birthday"... If your birthday leaves you feeling that way, you know you've had a great day.

    Happy Birthday!

  4. I'm glad you had the most wonderful birthday ever!!!
