Friday, November 27, 2009

How time flies!

The picture doesn't do it justice, but this is a picture of the plaque and pen I received for two years of service at the University of Phoenix. In the two years I have worked there, I have had 5 different desks, been on two different teams, and have worked in two different buildings. As of Monday, it will be desk # 6 and building # 3. Yes, we are moving to a brand new building on Priest and Washington. It is a nice building. My desk will be on the third floor. I will have a window to look out, but I am too far from it to really enjoy the surroundings outside. The biggest attraction would have been the light rail. I am going to miss the McDonald's and the Circle K that was by the old building (this is a good thing, I think), but we are pretty close to a Filberto's and Port of Subs. To get to them however, you have to cross both Priest and Washington, across the light rail. I was able to take Kyra last week to see the new building and to see my desk. It was fun walking around trying to find where my desk would be. It took us about five minutes, but we found it! Kyra found it before I did. I got to see where my team would be sitting and who I am sitting next to. The next day, I went to work and was talking about what I had seen. I found out that after I left work to go to the new building, an email was sent out to all of us telling us not to go to the new building before the next Monday! Oops! Sorry about that. The new building is about three miles from home and less that ten minutes by car. It will be too difficult to take the bus, but I might be able to ride a bike, as least when it is not too hot. I am grateful for my job and for my company. I still hope to move up into training, but all is good!

1 comment:

  1. I'll take you to lunch next Tuesday :) for 2 years of a job well done.
