Thursday, April 24, 2008

Game 2: More of the Spurs

Game 2 was a tough loss. The Suns never should have lost game 1. A win in game 2 would have sent a message to the Spurs: Your in trouble! But now, the Spurs are giving that message to the Suns. Don't get me wrong, this series is far from over. All that has happened is the Spurs have held serve. They were expected to win at home. That is why they call it "home court advantage". The Suns now have to come home and do the same. Here are some points about game 2. Where is Leandro Barbosa ? He was 0-7 from the field, and didn't shoot a free throw. This is our fastest player and the one who needs to beat his man to the basket. Where is our 3 point shot? The Suns are so effective when the 3 point shot is going in. Nash penetrates, dishes it out to the outside...only to have our guys miss. The Spurs are able to control that outcome. There were reports that Nash was suffering from flu-like symptoms. Lets hope he is better by game 3. How are the Spurs getting so many easy lay-ups? The Suns need to put a stop to that. Do to the Spurs what the Spurs have done to us. I think that D'Antoni is feeling the heat for not having a deeper rotation. With Grant Hill hurting, there is no one that can step in. Lets hope that Hill can play better. In both games 1 and 2, the Suns have outplayed the Spurs in the first half. Are the Suns too tired in the second half? Did the starting 5 play too many minutes in the regular season that now they are beat in the second half? I think right now the Spurs are mentally tougher in the second half. The Suns need to overcome that. Playing at home should help. The Suns need to keep momentum going for the full 48 minutes. No more losing it at the end of the quarter/half. In game 3, we need to get a handle on both Parker and Ginobili. We don't have to stop them, that can't be done. But lets not let them get so many layups. Look for Stat to come up huge, and if Shaq stays out of foul trouble, he can handle Duncan. Game 3? Suns by double digits!

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    I totally agree. If the Suns can win tonight and on Sunday, this will be a brand new series. If they lose either tonight or Sunday, we may end up discussing a new coach for the Phoenix Suns.
