Saturday, April 19, 2008

Come on Tim, just play the game and shut up

Game 1 goes to the Spurs. You got to give it to them, they fought back from being down the entire game. Tim Duncan played an amazing game. There were many times where I felt that the Suns were playing against 8 players (5 Spurs and 3 referees), but the bottom line is that the Spurs outplayed the Suns in the second half. It is my belief, that the refs could call a foul on every play. On every play, someone breaks the rules. Most are minor, only the major offenses get called. If it were not that way, we would see a slow, sloppy, drawn out game. So how do the refs decide which ones to call? Only they seem to know. You can only hope that the fouls they do call help control the game but do not change the dynamics of the game. This happened in game 1. This happens too often with the Suns. Shaq played only 3 minutes in the first quarter and less than 10 minute in the first half. Amare got into foul trouble early. When these players did play, they were unable to play hard on the defensive side. This is why the Spurs were able to pull this one off. Oh, and that Tim Duncan guy. The 3 point shot he hit in the first overtime to send the game into double overtime was one of the most amazing shots I have ever seen. It was the first 3 point shot he made this season. Unbelievable! If the Suns end up losing this series, chalk it up to this shot (Don’t Worry, I still believe the Suns will win the series in 6). The problem I have with him is if you were to ask him if he has ever committed a personal foul, he would tell you no. He whines and complains about every foul he is called for. If you watch him, sometimes he looks like he is going to cry. The problem is that too often, the refs listen. Duncan gets the “benefit of the doubt” more than any other player. Watch him next game, you will agree. Another problem I have is the “flopping”. It happens all the time. Kurt Thomas is the king when it comes to flopping. I saw him get “bumped” by one of the Suns players that he must outweigh by 50 lbs. Thomas flops, falls back about 10 feet and the refs call a foul on the Suns! Are you kidding me? He is just as bad as Vlade Divac, who made a career out of flopping. A few more observations: With the game being broadcast on ABC, you would think the commentators would be neutral. They are clearly Spurs fans. “Hack a Shaq”. This is a tactic that the Spurs used with over 6 minutes left in the game. What a bunch of cowards. It worked, however. Maybe in game 2 the Spurs will play the way the game was intended. Overall, this was a great game. Both teams played hard. The Spurs outplayed the Suns when they needed to and squeaked out he win. Steve Nash needs to score earlier on in the game and Shaq and Stat need to stay out of foul trouble. If the Suns can manage this (please refs, don’t take the big guys out of their element), the Spurs will be no match in game 2.


  1. *sigh* It hurts. That was a tough loss, but I couldn't sum it up any better. My mouth hung open for the last 15 minutes of the game (I guess more like an hour if you count penalties, time outs, and commercials).

  2. As much as I hate the actions of the Spurs, sadly it is part of their game plan to flop. They know that against the Suns, they can get away with it. Want to know why? Because of Robert Horry. Yup... That cheap shot last year has set most of the world to see how much we whine over what we consider unjustified punishment. *I 100% think that the suspension was too long, but a suspension was correct according to the rules because the boys left the bench.*
    So now the officials expect us to overreact at each and every call. They play us harder. It sucks but despite all that, we still almost won. I expect we will win in 6 as well.

  3. Aren't you the same person who complained about Shaq not getting enough fouls called on him when he played for the opposing team? And what about when one of those "floppers" joins the Suns team? How about when all the calls are in the Suns favor? (apparently my hostility over this game is not completely gone, feel free to delete this comment)
