Sunday, April 13, 2008

There's hope to be had

Thursday was a busy day for us. Well, it seems that everyday is busy lately. But Thursday, Helena double booked herself in the afternoon. Not a big deal, she does it quite often. Usually she just handles it and I never am the wiser. But Thursday, she needed to take Tasha to her gymnastics class AND deliver a meal to a friend whose son was in the hospital. They were on opposite sides of town. She asked if I would be willing to help with one, so I chose the meal, thinking all I have to do is drop it off. No big deal. So there I was, 4:30ish in the afternoon, on the I10, trying to get to the 51, headed to 56th St. and Thunderbird. My average speed? 5 maybe 10 mph. To make things worse, Kyra had chosen to go with her mom (they always stick together!) so the carpool lane was off limits. I am a rules kind of guy (I have a personality profile my work paid for that says so) so the carpool lane was really off limits. As I got madder and madder at the many people who don't obey the car pool rules, I realized that it was also an alternative fuel lane. Now this didn't benefit me in any way, I was driving our Nissan (many of you know this car as our beat up clunker that my wife now drives on a regular basis). Along came a hybrid. Then another. Then another. There went a city car, not a hybrid, but natural gas. Dang it! There goes another single passenger gas burning car. (I know, I should let it go...) Another Hybrid! Now, I realize that it IS a lane for alternative fuel vehicles, but today, there was an abundance of hybrids. I don’t know how many I saw, but it was more than I used to. I also spotted about 5 of them when I got off the freeway on the way home between the freeway and home. There it is. It’s working. This go green thing might just be getting somewhere. With gas prices over $3.00 a gallon, it was wonderful to see so many. Helena saw 2 hybrids parked side by side. In the same parking lot! Good work Arizona! Keep it up!


  1. Thanks for being the guy who delivers a meal for your wife, and notices the hybrid! I love that, and you!

  2. Now all they need to do is lower the cost of a hybrid car...and maybe more people would get one. Yes, Shaun is just starting to catch on to this green thing too...even though I pester him about it alot. (My theory is that women are more green because they are more nurturing, I should really write an article on it.) He even brought up an "idea" he had on saving water...and I was "umm, I tried talking to you about the very same thing about two months ago.
