Sunday, November 30, 2008

How many lights do you see?

Here is a picture of our Christmas tree. Camera phone pictures never capture the real essence, and this is no exception. Our tree is incredible! It all starts with the lights. My wife, goes a little nuts when it comes to the lights on the tree! She is fanatical! Not just with the number of lights, but with how they go on the tree. We do have an artificial tree, due to family allergies, but the lights go on every year and come off every year. No two years are alike. This year, it took two sessions and a break in between to get them just right. It took most of Saturday to get them up. Most of Saturday! This year she came up with a new idea for the twinkle lights. First, we had to wrap the twinkle lights onto about 10' of garland. That was my job. After I managed to wrap a string of 100 lights around the garland, H then wrapped the garland around the trunk of the tree from the bottom of the tree to the top. This gives the effect of the twinkle lights coming from the inside of the tree. Keep in mind that it was painfully slow to get the garland just right around the trunk. The first try was not good enough. I am not sure on how many attempts it took, but it took a few. Here is her new nickname when it comes to tree lights: Monica Geller. For those of you that ever watched Friends, or still do, this is in reference to Monica's compulsiveness to be perfect. So, my "Monica", spent the better part of a complete day just arranging the lights on our tree! Don't get me wrong, I am glad she is willing to do this and our tree looks fantastic. It took about 30 minutes for me and the girls to put up the rest of the ornaments on the tree. This includes the time it took H to re-hang most of the ornaments that I hung, because I apparently do not hang them correctly. Although we lost count of how many lights are on the tree, I can safely estimate more than 700. H actually asked if I thought she was a little compulsive about her lights. My response: You Think???


  1. I am not compulsive, I am not compulsive, I am not compulsive...

    and I only rehung a few of your ornaments because an ornament on a long ribbon should not lay on the branch, it should be hung on a branch where it can dangle loosely silly man. I didn't redo any of the girls so maybe it's a girl thing.

  2. a girls thing..really? Story of my life!

  3. I get a little wierd about the lights too so Jared just watches. He wants nothing to do with that craziness of decorating the tree. He just puts our tree together and puts the angel on top and that's fine with me so I get where both of you are coming from. I can't wait to see your tree in person. It looks great in the picture.
