Saturday, November 29, 2008

Let the season begin

Stupid Doorknob Cover !!!

Thanksgiving is over and the official Christmas season is upon us. For the first time is a long time, H was not part of Black Friday. She says she is OK not being one of too many hitting the stores before the sun rose, but I think she missed the action! We got to drive up north to visit MoMo on Friday with the Lee's. It had snowed and we had the best day playing and working with our friends. I even was crowned King Wizard! This day really kicked off the season for our family. Our tree is up and decorated and some of the house decorations have been put up. One of the decorations in particular is the doorknob cover pictured above. We have put it up every year since I can remember. It is always on a doorknob in the hallway that gets the most traffic. From the time it is placed on the doorknob, we spend all of efforts trying not to knock it off. But it is only a matter of time before you forget it is there and walk too close and knock it off.

When Billy was a kid, this used to drive him crazy! He was usually the one who would knock it down, then I would be next. It would always be followed by "STUPID DOORKNOB COVER !" Once you declared that you had knocked it over, you could then kick it down the rest of the hallway, chase after it, and put it back on for the next victim. At one point, I think H had to sew one of the eyes back on. This year it took Kyra a day to be the first one to knock it off. The second picture is the doorknob cover after Kyra knocked it off! Yep, let the season begin !


  1. Well, I didn't notice the door knob cover when we were briefly in your house before our trip to Momo's but I did notice the cute little purple tree. It looked like a fairy or pixy tree. Very cute. Have fun knocking down the door cover and I will make sure to join in on that tradition the next time I come over.

  2. You may NOT kick the doorknob cover down the hall while I am watching, that is rude! And where else are you supposed to put the dang thing besides the hall closets? You can't put it on the door that you actually use or else you can't open them.
