Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 1993: 10:00am

On This Day,
I Will Marry My Friend.
The One I Laugh With,
Live For,
Dream With,

It has been a wonderful 16 years. Time has gone by so quickly. We have a great life and a beautiful family. In honor of the 16 years, here are 16 things I love about my wife:

1. The love she has for everyone. Especially me.
2. Her smile.
3. Her red hair.
4. Her faith. In everything and everyone.
5. Her sense of humor. Today, she know the joke I was going to tell after 2 words ( I had never told this joke before).

6. Her Brains. Clearly, I am over matched.
7. Her laugh. She makes me laugh harder than anyone and everything is funnier with her.
8. Her sense of direction. I would always be lost without it.
9. Her competitiveness. She claims she is not, but I know better.
10. Her cooking. I love it. (yes, H, I am serious)
11. Her love for debate. Lately, I have been slacking, but we have had our share of great debates. (Remember Sunny's?)
12. Her creative side. This is truly incredible. She can turn the normal into extraordinary.
13. Her family. It took me awhile to realize this, but they are awesome.
14. Her sporting abilities. He is quite athletic. But I am still a better softball player!
15. Her patience. Even when she gets that glossed over look in her eyes when I talk sports.
16. Her endearing beauty. Everything she touches, she leaves it better than before.

I am blessed to have her and lucky she loves me.

This was supposed to be a picture of the sunflower in our garden, but it didn't come out.


  1. OK, suck up, since you want a debate...

    1. I don't love the crazy homeless lady from the park.
    2. $3000 in braces buys a great smile.
    3. Apparently it's not read anymore.
    4. I don't have faith that the Cubs will make it to the World Series. Sorry.
    5. What you were saying was not a joke and I think the fact that I can predict what idiotic thing you are going to say makes me just as lame as you are.
    6. My head is just bigger. aha.
    7. I'll give you this one, but I think you just do it to make me run to the bathroom.
    8. Direction? You're talking about NSEW, right? I'll give you that one too.
    9. Oh, I KNOW I'm competitive. See $14.
    10. Yeah, I can heat up some mean chicken nuggets.
    11. You bring up Sunny's on our anniversary? Really! We almost didn't get married because of that one ya big dork.
    12. Normal? What's normal?
    13. Can't argue this one either. Except for maybe Rex who isn't so awesome lately.
    14. I can kick your butt all over the softball field. Let's go to the cage and hit some fastpitch softballs.
    15. What glossed over look? That's just my eyes. They get teary thinking about the joy of the NBA and NFL.
    16. Even the cars? The ones that I run into poles and trees and take out curbs in, losing many a hubcap?

    Blah, blah, blah. I love you too! And my sunflower is pretty impressive, although not very tall.

  2. Oops. #3 should say red, not read. Who's the spelling teacher?

  3. Do I have to remind you two that H is not longer red? She's joined the world of us brunettes. Oh yeah, that's not very nice to say right? Well, at least I didn't tell you your hair was green. I had a friend tell me that her husband and mine were no longer red heads. She said their hair was green.

    Great post Bill. It's great to hear the things that you love about H. She's a keeper for sure. Oh, and I agree, she's a good cook.

  4. I concur. :) She is pretty awesome.
