Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Weather Is A Joke!

I stopped watching the news on TV a few years ago because it got too depressing. I got tired of always hearing how bad our society is. Robberies, muggings, assaults, murder, stolen cars...blah, blah, blah. It was all one long nightmare. One of my favorite movies had a quote: "If it bleeds, it leads." So true. Not even sports could get me to stay tunes and watch.

One of the funniest things I used to laugh at on the rare times I saw the news, was the weather reports. Are you kidding? In the summer: Today; HOT. Tomorrow; HOT. Next Week; HOT! Winters are pretty mild, not much to report. Any time there is a little change in the weather pattern, this state goes crazy! I actually heard a weather person refer to the weather we had yesterday and today as" MAYSOON." Really? It has been cloudy for two days, and there has been areas that reported precipitation. Nothing official has been recorded at the airport, but look out, its "MAYSOON!"

According to the weather almanac, we have recorded less that 2" all year long. ALL YEAR! Now I have seen what happens when we do get a substantial amount of rain. Roads close, people panic, weather people hyperventilate, and drivers actually forget how to drive. WATCH OUT ! Its MAYSOON !

My friend Larry lives in Florida. His job requires a lot of driving. He likes to call when he has a long drive to get home to try to kill the time. Today, he was telling me about the weather they have been having. Now in Florida, they have weather. Yesterday, they got hit with 7" of rain in one day. In the 4 days the current storm has been unloading, they have received 13" of rain. 13"! In less than a week. That is about 6 years of rain for us! If it rained that much here, the whole state would cease to exist!

They have a reason to report the weather. Not us. So, next time you are out and about, and you feel a drop hit your skin, dive for the nearest cover, and yell at the top of your lungs,


1 comment:

  1. I agree Bill. I have been thinking the same thing. I just think people in this state are bored and so they freak out when weather does something different.
