Friday, May 7, 2010

Squeaky Shoes

Google is a wonderful tool. You can find answers to almost anything. My right shoe on my NB 608's squeaks everytime I take a step. So, for kicks, I googled "how to fix a shoe squeak". Amazingly, here were the results of the search: " Results 1 - 10 of about 106,000 for how to fix a shoe squeak. (0.16 seconds) ". Yes, 106,000. Here is the one i clicked on:

There are few things more annoying than hearing a squeak each time you take a step. Everyone can hear you coming and there’s nothing you can do to stop the squeaking. This actually is a common problem often caused during the shoe manufacturing process. Shoes often become squeaky when two materials rub against each other. This could be as simple as where the tongue of the shoe rubs up against the underside of the laces or could be because some areas of the shoe were not properly glued. Either way, there are some ways to fix this annoying problem of squeaky shoes.

Solution #1: Baby Powder

- Simply lift the inner sole of the shoe and sprinkle powder inside. Leave the powder inside as you replace the inner sole. Lift the inner sole partly and dust with baby powder. Wear shoes as you normally would.
- Another baby powder solution is to give the entire shoe a dusting – especially where the sole is attached to the leather top or, if it is a lace up shoe, where two shoe materials may rub up against each other (for example, where the tongue falls underneath the laces of the shoe). Let sit overnight and see if the squeaking stops.

Solution #2: Super Glue

- If your shoe has a heel on it, the heel could be loose. If you can tell that this is the case, you can put a dab of glue inside the part not securely fastened and hold for a few seconds while the glue adheres and dries.

Solution #3: Let the shoes dry

- Wet shoes often become squeaky shoes. If this is the case for you, stuff the shoes with paper towels and let them dry at room temperature. Do not wear shoes until they are fully dry. Then, see if the squeaking stops.

Solution #4: Saddle Soap

- When the tongue rubs against the shoe underneath the laces and baby powder (see solution #1) does not work, try using saddle soap. Rub the tongue with the saddle soap and, then, try wearing them. The shoes should no longer squeak.

Seriously. Not one, but four official sounding solutions. But wait, there is MORE:

That is all for home fixes for squeaky shoes. If you have tried all of the above and the shoes still are squeaky you have a few other potential solutions:

- If the shoes are new, the squeaking likely is caused by the manufacturing process. Take the shoes back where you purchased them and ask for a new pair or a free repair.

- If the shoes are old, the noise may be caused by the soles being worn. If so, you can take the shoes to a cobbler who can tell you if the shoes can be resoled.

- If the shoes are old, the shank could be loose. This is another time to take the shoes to a shoe repair shop for further help.

- If you cannot figure out where the squeaking is coming from, a cobbler can take a look at the shoes or watch you walk in them to help you figure out what needs to be done.

What did we ever do B.G. (Before Google)?


H said...

This post seems like an excuse to post a picture of your shoes :)

Seriously though, is "cobbler" even a profession anymore?

Bill said...

You funny ! Yes, it is a profession, but I think it consists of making pies.

Monique said...

The do have cobblers...but they do crappy jobs. I had a pair of docs I needed fixed. They used some ugly white paste and hammered on some "tap shoe" like repairs on the bottom. Never wore them again. :(